Photos from 2 disposable cameras from mid 2014 - NYE - early 2015. I scanned the film so the colours are pretty inconsistent... Gooch Palms gig at the fishbowl
Jan/Feb 2015 with a watering hole vist and another Gooch Palms gig..
NYE party
Seeing the Black Lips, Drew visiting & other random things between moving house and giving myself a really bad fringe cut
I've been wanting to do some more hand made stuff for my etsy, so I tried using fimo (which I haven't for years) to make some brooches. Hopefully I'll be able to try using resin in the future, but for now that is a very expensive experiment dream that I haven't fully decided what to cast inside.
Covered in cat hair
They are all hand moulded (except the cookie cutter ones), painted and varnished, and I'm pretty happy with how they came out, half of them are glow in the dark too! The beer bottles are def my favourite and I wish I made more.